Including The Golden Number or The Divine Proportion

Let's Look at Our Hands

Things which the ancestors you inherit left for you.
In order to master them , look over through you! (Goethe, FAUST)

            Our own hands and the hands of the people around us… with LOVE, with a lot of understanding and... with much attention.
Most of you will rediscover, without any effort, eventually with the help of the adjoining drawing , correlations and angles from the pyramid of Khufu (of Atlants)!
            You can find them again in other zones of the human body, but it is the hands in relaxed position that reveals conspicously.
            I assure you that this is not a metaphor or a figure of speech … for me it is very clear: we have here the certain proof that these measures - starting with that which the monk Luca Paccioli , Da Vinci's collaborator, named the DIVINE PROPORTION ("golden number/cut/section"), proportion which was very dear to the encyclopaedic spirits of the universal culture and generally to aesthetes, -represents the message of primordial vibration of CREATION , which perpetuates itself through our genetic code!                
            All these .. "from water and through water", as by calculation I determined that the pyramid of Khufu expresses not only the cosmic and terestrial dimension deduced so far, but also ... water, namely one of the ratios (side of base/edge) is the numerical expression of the icosahedron edge (icosahedron = the water element of the ancients).  I consider that the aspects should be regarded in close relation ith the Hindi Tattva and Tanmatra.
            Here is the main reason why I drew the conclusion that I can consider Khufu's pyramid as being the WATER PYRAMID. With a view to clear up and synthetize the concept, I elaborated the formula of LOGISTICAL PYRAMID, which I also submit to your attention!
            The "golden number" and its derivatives are to be found, as rythms and proportions in everything which exists, outside and inside us: ratios between geometrical forms and bodies (examples: star decagon/hexagon=hexagon/convex decagon=star pentagon/convex pentagon= cube (Earth)/dodecahedron (Aether - Akasha) = f = [1+sqrt(5)]/2 = 2/[sqrt(5)-1] = 1.61803398875…); Both in galactic spirals and more concretely the organic substances (example: quantizes the energy of the electron motion) elaborated and spontaneous creations of the human spirituality (architecture, sculpture, painting, music, etc.); I suppose also it in the proportion of the liquid substance (water) in the human body and at planet level; etc.. etc.. etc.. 
            However... why the knowledge of these indubitable proofs of the CREATION are not included in the EDUCATIONAL PROCESS? In the first place this would become, I am sure of it, more attractive than up to now!
            Furthermore, we can expect that the future generations will understand better than us, under these conditions, the BNIBLICAL MESSAGES - for mankind and even for science - regarding THE BORDER STONE OF EGYPT, THE STONE FROM THE ANG HEAD FORGOTTEN BY BUILDERS, or - why not - THE LIVE STONE!  Another interesting thing: do you know that Romanians daily utter, generally without realizing, names of aquatic deities of many ancient people, e.g. "Apa= water in Romanian" is a Vedic deity?!
            In my opinion , it can be stated that each language is - more or less - specialized, having a vibrating correspondent in transcedental, as we may say... from the time of "Babel Tower" , but which is also mantained nowadays , in a HOLISTIC CONTINUUM.
            ... And who knows ? Maybe we shall relearn the REAL LOVE from... dolphins!
            For me this is, at the same time, an important step on the way of understanding the signifiance of the PHILOSOPHER'S STONE.
            Will you receive , please, the above lines of a man who is thinking over... who is thinking while consuming daily, for several years, WATER KEPT UNDER PYRAMIDS made of nine segments (pieces) copper wire ...
            The results are beyond expectations!
            I assure you that I base my approach, of permanent search, on the BELIEF IN GOD, the CREATOR of all seen and unseen things.
Thank you for your attention and understanding!

M.M. Serban
Bucharest, Moscow
July-September 1996

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